PSIM or IOT Plattform – what works best?

PSIM or IOT Plattform – what works best?

PSIM or IOT Management Platform – what’s the difference?

Some companies have specialised in the integration and management of IOT devices. What do these companies do and what is the difference to PSIM software?

From easypsim’s perspective, IOT can be compared well with PSIM. In principle, both platforms are about the integration of software and installation of hardware components, e.g. sensors for temperature, fire, motion detectors, surveillance cameras, AccessControl, etc.

Different interfaces

In the area of IOT and PSIM, interfaces from different IT systems are usually brought together. The biggest difference is in the intended use of the hardware components.

In classic PSIM (Physical Security Information Management), security and surveillance systems are integrated in a manageable user interface. With IOT, on the other hand, the focus is on the integration of sensors from building technology and supply chain management in a management software.

Viewed soberly, both platforms do the same thing: systems that are separate from each other are brought together in one control system.

Integration remains integration

At easypsim, we expand the traditional PSIM concept and integrate not only safety-relevant systems in the management platform, but also CyberSecurity, building automation and other sensor types. The only criterion for integration is an open interface (API) or SDK.

Workflow for emergency situations

A triggered alarm causes stress for the security officer. Often there is uncertainty about how to process the different alarms. Therefore, a workflow is integrated in our PSIM solution.

The workflow guides the PSIM user through the alarm processing and ensures compliance with demanding and different security protocols. An individual workflow can be assigned to each alarm type, so even inexperienced users can master any situation with confidence.

Business Intelligence

Due to the ever-increasing amount of data, self-learning systems using AI or deep learning will simplify the evaluation of data and increase the benefits of combined sensor technology. Business intelligence, which focuses on the evaluation of collected data, is thus becoming increasingly relevant for both PSIM and IOT platforms.

The critics of PSIM systems realise more than before that the harmonisation of data structures and ease of use are becoming increasingly important with digitisation due to the complexity of system structures. The systems should communicate with each other and the user must always have an overview so that the knowledge gained can be used at the optimal time.

PSIM is a decisive factor in digitalisation

It is not so important whether the software is called PSIM or IOT Management Platform. What is crucial is that the user can react immediately to events and that decision-making is supported by the provision of clear information in real time.

To come back to the questions asked at the beginning, the name of the software is not crucial, rather it is about the integration of all systems, system stability, redundancy, the easy management and completion of events and finally the easy management of all information. This makes PSIM an indispensable element of digitalisation and IOT.


IOT – Internet of things (IOT) is, according to Wikipedia, a collective term for technologies of a global infrastructure of information societies, which makes it possible to network physical and virtual objects with each other and to let them work together through information and communication technologies. This definition could also be used for PSIM. Here you can find our definition of PSIM.


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